Jesper Steffensen

Jesper Steffensen is Managing Director, Senior Partner and Consultant in Steffensen Consult. He is a Danish Citizen with a MA in Political Science. He is a public administration, financial management and fiscal decentralization specialist with comprehensive working experiences from core positions in central governments and local government associations.
Jesper has project experiences from assignments in more than 45 countries over the past 30 years in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Pacific Islands. His fields of core expertise are: Public finance, intergovernmental fiscal relations, financial management, performance-based incentive systems, climate change funding & design of interventions addressing climate change, surveys on systems and procedures of decentralization and design and implementation of local development projects.
He has been lead consultant on several larger decentralization reform projects in Europe, Africa, Asia the Pacific Countries in cooperation with the governments, the World Bank, UNDP/UNCDF, Danida, DFID, the Netherlands, KFW, Asian Development Bank and others development partners. Finally, Jesper has been guest professor at Duke University within the subject of Fiscal Decentralisation and PFM (2005-11).

Lone Wienberg
Lone Wienberg is a Senior Consultant in Steffensen Consult, a Danish citizen and an experienced practitioner in public administration, social affairs and HR management from more than 20 years of experience. She has comprehensive experiences within the areas of management, public administration, human resources, working conditions and environment, social affairs/welfare initiatives and support to vulnerable groups.
Lone Wienberg has extensive experiences in conflict resolution, mediation and negotiations from various management and consultant positions in the public sector. Lone has experiences from specialist functions in the public sector, management funds as well as consultancy and advisory positions, and from working as resource person on 5 country programs on design of performance-based climate resilience grants, and with wide-spread experiences in local government engagement in climate change adaptation finance.
Associated consultants

Hans Bjørn Olsen
Hans Bjørn Olsen has a Master of Public Administration focusing on decentralisation of the public sector, Mr Olsen has pursued an international career of more 30 years building up considerable professional experience in design/formulation/review and evaluation of complex local governance/decentralisation, urban development and PFM accountability programmes in 30+ developing countries. The extensive experience thus gained in mainly in European, Asian and African regions.
Mr Olsen is especially experienced in municipal finance and decentralisation that include public finance management as a key component, focusing on service delivery in key sectors like education, health, agriculture and water/sanitation. He has worked for EU/Devco, WB, several UN agencies and bilateral donors such as BTC, Danida, DfID, Finnida, GIZ/KfW, Irish Aid and NORAD. Team Leader and core team member on several project/programme identifications/formulations/evaluations/MTRs; facilitator of several workshops and training sessions on all aspects of decentralisation (fiscal, human, administrative) and public financial management issues (budgeting, planning, accounting, auditing, non-tax revenues). Mr Olsen furthermore has a Diploma from the PEFA Course for Senior Practitioners’ Oriel College, Oxford in September 2015 (approved by PEFA Secretariat).

Anders Møller
Program director for converting a commercial port into a new urban area with museums and public institutions in a larger Danish municipality. Anders is Danish Citizen with a MA in Political Science and has for a number of years held various high positions in the Danish state administration, such as deputy head of department in the Ministry of Finance, finance director and director in a state agency and at the University of Copenhagen.
His fields of core expertise are: Governments Expense analyzes and budget management. Public finance, intergovernmental fiscal relations, financial management, economic analyzes and set up for economic models, financial management, property analysis and construction management in the public sector.
Concrete experience with climate change in new urban areas. Finally, Anders lecturer at University College Copenhagen.

Philip Bottern
Mr. Bottern (M. Sc. Economics) is an experienced development expert heading PWB Consult ( with working experience from more than 35 countries. He is a specialist in decentralization and local governance, evaluation, and programme development.
During more than 25 years he has worked with municipal and inter-governmental finance, municipal service delivery, revenue generation, local economic development (LED), institutional reforms, good governance, inclusiveness, and accountability (upwards/downwards), gender mainstreaming, youth, and human right issues. He has carried out complex assignments as team leader with smaller and larger teams for the WB, UNCDF, UNDP, Danida, AFD, Sida, GIZ and the Swiss Federation. He has working proficiency in Danish, English and Spanish and some capacity in French.
Before Philip formed his own company in 2018, he was Sr. Urban and Social Development Specialist in the WB’s Middle East and North Africa (2013-2017); international consultant for 12 years in the Danish Association of Municipalities (KL); and adviser for the Danish Government stationed in north Nicaragua from 1998 to 2001. From 1990-1998 Philip worked in the public sector in Denmark with municipal finance, regional budgeting, research and as a teacher in economics.

Tara Olsen
Tara Olsen has just completed a Joint Nordic Master’s Program (Uppsala University, Joensuu University and Tromsø University) in Environmental Law where she has acquired in-depth knowledge on the following topics: climate change law, (marine) resource management, biodiversity protection, energy and environmental law, green transitions, international forest law, international water law and environmental and social impact assessments (EIA and SIA).
She has worked as research assistant during her Masters study in Finland at the Center for Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Law. Furthermore, she has worked for two years as a legal assistant for a Danish legal company and finally she was for one year the Chair of the Law Faculty Student Council, University of Amsterdam.
She has working proficiency in French and English.
Mobile: +31624278819

Hendrik Visser
Hendrik Visser has worked for over thirty years in international development. The last 25 years he lives in Bhutan and works as a free-lance consultant in the Asia, Pacific and African regions on issues as Local Governance and Basic Service Delivery strengthening, community empowerment, Infrastructure Development, public private partnerships, Civil Society strengthening, Climate Change, Public Sector Reform, climate financing, change facilitation and Capacity Development.
Hendrik has a passion for social and behavioural change as well as shaping transformative development processes. Hendrik is also passionate about designing and facilitating workshops, team retreats and team building exercises.
Hendrik is also a founding board-member and director of the civil society organization Bhutan Animal Rescue and Care and he is engaged in facilitating dialogue in Bhutan on the role of civil society in service delivery and creating upward accountability for development results. Hendrik has an MSc in Sustainable Development (Imperial College London), and an MSc in Civil Engineering (Delft University).

Bishnu Puri
Bishnu Puri has a MA in Economics and Master in Development Management. He is a public financial management, fiscal decentralization, monitoring and evaluation and LG finance specialist and fiscal federalism. He has more than 35 years of senior level management experience directly implementing projects and programmes in Nepal and Afghanistan and consultancy over six countries in Africa, Asia including pacific islands.
Bishnu has core expertise in PFM, performance-based financing, climate finance, LGs finance and LGs planning and budgeting and monitoring and evaluation of public sector projects and programmes. He has been a consultant for UNDP and UNCDF in Nepal, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Somalia, Sudan, Solomon Island and Tuvalu (including performing of annual performance assessments of local governments). He has substantive ground level experience on FRA, project design and capacity development of local authorities with focus on intergovernmental fiscal relations.

Yadab Chapagain
Yadab Chapagain has over 30 years of consulting experience in policy studies, monitoring, evaluation and learning, capacity strengthening, strategic planning and developing program result chain and logical frameworks. Mr. Chapagain holds Masters in degree Management (MBA) and Development Management (MDM) from Nepal and the Philippines. Most of his experience is in Nepal, but has also gained working experience in the South Africa, Bangladesh, and India. Mr. Chapagain’s experience, as an independent consultant, team leader, or a team member, in decentralization and public management and monitoring and evaluation range from working with grassroots people, local authorities, and central government agencies as well as bi-lateral and multilateral development agencies.
Yadab Chapagain is actively engaged in improving governance and accountability of public sector in Nepal since early 1990s. Mr. Chapagain was involved in the development, testing and piloting of performance based grant system (PBGS) for the first time in Nepal in 2003/4, where he was a member of the team developing the MCPM (minimum condition and performance measures) system and indicator. The MCPM is recognized a powerful tool to improve accountability of local bodies. He has also engaged by UNCDF in Bangladesh to review the PBGS of Union Parishads in 2006. Mr. Chapagain was a team member of the World Bank mission to review the performance of the Backward Region Grant Fund (BRGF) of the Government of India. In a similar line with MCPM system he was involved in development, applying and adapting the system of Community Radio Performance Assessment System (CRPAS) in Nepal during, a unique tool in the sector that fetched UNESCO International Programme for Development Communication (IPDC) prize for Rural Communication for Nepal.
Yadab has strong monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) experience and expertise as well. Mr. Chapagain has conducted the review of multi donor funded challenge fund projects in Nepal including the Enabling State Programme (ESP) and Governance Facility (GF) aimed at improving public accountability. His recent experience include reviews and assessments of programs and organizations, developing MEL and capacity building strategy for Nepal Transition to Peace (NTTP) Institute (supported by USAID), and developing the M&E strategy for DFID’s Enabling State Programme (ESP). Similarly he is a team member to conduct evaluation of results based financing in education sector in Nepal, evaluation of GPE’s contribution in Education in Nepal, evaluation of programme like PAHAL, assessment of fiscal gap for all the provinces and local government entities in Nepal and the like. He has also working experiences from a range of development partners, including UNCD, UNDP, World Bank and Asian Development Bank.

Dr. Mobasser Monem
Dr. Mobasser Monem is a Professor of governance and public management at the Department of Public Administration, University of Dhaka. Dr. Monem earned his PhD from University of London, United Kingdom (1999) under the Commonwealth Scholarship plan, securing his MPA from the Institute of Development Policy and Management, University of Antwerp, Belgium. Professor Monem also carried out post-doctoral research and teaching at the Sussex University, United Kingdom and also at the University of Heidelberg, Germany under the Humboldt fellowship programme.
Dr. Monem’s teaching and research focus on various aspects of governance including local governance, local government finance and planning, public sector management, public sector innovation and change management, development management. He has worked as a consultant in many local governance and development projects funded/sponsored by such organizations as World Bank, ADB, UNDP, UNCDF, UNICEF, UKAid, DANIDA, JICA, KOICA, CIDA, SDC and various national, international Non-government agencies operating in Bangladesh and Dr. Monem has authored numerous technical reports in the fields of urban/local governance, local finance, institutional development, capacity building, local level planning, monitoring and evaluation, impact assessment, policy reforms and development management.
His most recent publications include the following: “Participation and Accountability in Urban Local Government in Bangladesh: A Study of Paurashava”, in Nizam Ahmed (ed.). Public Service Delivery in Bangladesh: Parliament, Public Policy and local Government (Dhaka, UPL: 2020), pp. 247-70.

Ekram Hossain
Ekram Hossain has core expertise on communication, public policy, and governance; democracy, human rights and justice. Currently he is working with a government project funded by ADB, Amnesty International South Asia, and Strong Cities Network, based in London. Mr. Ekram Hossain studied social sciences at the University of Chittagong and received BSS with honours and MSS degrees in Sociology. He joined with the Institute of Governance Studies (IGS), BRAC University (IGS merged with BRAC Development Institute and formed BIGD), with its National Integrity Strategy (NIS) for Bangladesh project in January 2008 as Project Officer. He worked in a team, led by Barrister Manzoor Hasan, for formulation of NIS, an anti-corruption strategy for Bangladesh.
He is working in the field of democracy and politics, human rights and governance, gender and justice for the last 25 years and was engaged with media, national and int’l NGOs, CSOs, academic and research institutions. In his diverge working areas, he was involved with investigative reportings, investigation of HR violations, editing journals, publishing materials, civil society engagement, organising events, such as national and int’l conferences, launching of reports, seminars, roundtables, dialogues, public lectures, talks, consultations etc. Mr. Hossain started his career with journalism in both printing and electronic media in Chittagong. After that he joined with the then Weekly Ekota, and traveled almost all over Bangladesh as Special Correspondent to report attack on human rights violations.
Before joining IGS, he worked with ‘Bangladesh First – Bangladesh 2025’, a collaborative study initiated by a group of concerned citizens led by eminent Lawyer Dr. Kamal Hossain. Mr. Hossain worked with Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) for 6 years from its nascent stages and was mainly responsible for formation and subsequent functioning of its Committees of Concerned Citizens (CCCs). Prior to that, he worked with a number of human rights organisations such as Co-ordinating Council for Human Rights in Bangladesh (CCHRB), Steps towards Development, and Democracywatch.
He has been engaged with a number of independent researches commissioned by the WB, ADB, and UNDP including Midterm evaluation of Upazila Governance Project (UZGP) and Union Parishad Governance Project (UPGP) of UNDP, Review of Performance based Grants for Union Parishads and Upazila Parishads of UNDP, Assessment of the LGSP-LIC Performance-Based Grant System of UNDP, Working of Upazila Parishad in Bangladesh – A Study of Twelve Upazila, a UNDP research led by Dr Nizam Ahmed, Dr Tofael Ahmed et. al. He has also served the UNDP as its Manuscript Editor for a number of reports and handouts. He has also been involved in World Bank studies on Two Key Industry Sectors: A Stakeholder Political -Economy and Institutional Analysis of Brick-making and Transport (Bus) Sector of the Dhaka city, and political participation, decision–making and gender norms.

Lackson Daka
Lackson Daka is a Senior Partner and Consultant at Lusaka Business Hub is a Zambian Citizen, with South African Permanent Residence status. He is a Chartered Accountant with a bias in Management Accounting. He is a public finance management and fiscal decentralization specialist with comprehensive working experiences from working with central and local governments.
Lackson has project experiences from assignments working in 3 countries over the past 15 years in the Eastern and Southern African region. His fields of core expertise are: Public finance, intergovernmental fiscal relations, financial management, risk management, internal auditing, due diligence, performance and impact assessments, capacity building, fraud investigations, and corporate training.
He has been senior consultant on several larger decentralization reform projects in South Africa and Zambia in cooperation with the governments, the World Bank, GIZ and KFW. Finally, Lackson has been a Lecturer at Copperbelt University and University of Johannesburg, in Zambia and South Africa, respectively, specialising in Accounting, Financial Management and Public Finance (1997-2004).
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Eman Wahby
Eman Wahby has 20 years of professional experience with 13 years of international development, comprehensive experiences from engagement in assignments with the World Bank Group where she worked at the operational and corporate level. She has long experience in leading multi-stakeholder partnerships with governments, civil society, youth groups, private sector, development partners and multilateral organizations. During her 11 years of working on the World Bank program for Egypt, she worked on projects worth more than $3 billion.
She led three rounds of multi-stakeholder consultations for the preparation of World Bank’s Environment and Social Framework (ESF) and has been engaged in several missions for the UN focusing on climate change resilience for sub-national government levels. For two years, she worked with the World Bank Group’s Senior Vice President and supported the fundraising of SDGs Partnership Fund in East Asia and GCC. Eman Wahby has BA and MA from the American University in Cairo, and a fellow of UK’s Hansard Society (LSE program).

Anduaelm Taye Abera
Anduaelm Taye Abera is the Managing Director of SuDCA Development Consultants with MBA, MSc in Environmental Management. He has hands on experience in urban management, food security, social protection and related fields as a team leader and senior consultant.
He completed large number of consultancy assignments related to project or program evaluations, baseline studies, capacity development support provision, annual performance assessments, technical assistance, training facilitation, planning and executing field level social surveys, environmental impact assessment, adaptation to climate change and related services.
He mobilized and led various teams, each team consisting of up-to 25 senior consultants and up-to 125 semiprofessionals for field level data collection. He worked in all regions and zones in Ethiopia, south Sudan, Kenya and Somalia. He has extensive experience in government, NGOs and bilateral and multilateral projects and programs.
Some of his clients include: the World Bank, African Development Bank, USAID, GIZ, BMZ, KFW, Danida, UNDP, UNICEF, various international NGOs and government ministries. He worked with a number of international consultants: Dege Consult and COWI from Denmark, GOPA World Wide and Dornier Consulting GmBH from Germany, The Mtchell Group and Abt Associates from the USA, Safege from France, Sun Mountain International from Ecuador and Tata consultancy services from India.

William Hagan AMOAH
William Hagan Amoah is a Ghanaian consultant with a degree in Planning. In the past 29 years he has worked extensively on decentralisation and local government reforms. He has also worked extensively local government finance (especially on revenue assignment and inter-governmental fiscal relations) and conceptualised, formulated revenue improvement initiatives for local governments and central level revenue agencies.
William has extensive experience in good governance, spatial planning, organisational and institutional development, public financial management, performance-based grant systems including climate resilience project design and assessment. He has excellent expertise working at national, regional and local levels of government executing assessments, supporting and advising different institutions to develop policies, strategies and activities for improved performance. Furthermore, he has designed, conducted and supported numerous sensitisation, research and capacity development activities at various levels of government, aimed at optimising operations of structures and systems for better service delivery.
He has working experience in Southern and West Africa. He has extensive experience of working with the United Nations Capital Development Fund, German Development Cooperation (GIZ), Global Affairs Canada, Danish International Development Cooperation and USAID programmes and projects.

Walter Dingani
Walter Dingani, Senior Consultant, is a Zimbabwe Citizen with Masters in Business Administration (MBA). He is a specialist in Local Government and Public Sector Financial Management, Urban Management, Institutional/ Organizational Development and Capacity Building (public sector/local government) as well as in Project Management.
Walter has over 30 years’ experience in public sector management, local government and development in Zimbabwe, Ethiopia and Papua New Guinea as consultant, advisor and team leader on various technical assistance programs of which five programs were directly related to local government reform, governance policies/issues and capacity building of local authorities.
One program, in Papua New Guinea, was in the social sector on urban youth employment targeting disadvantaged youth. Walter has extensive experience in design and implementation of World Bank funded programs, in various sectors, especially in the urban sector. In addition, he has carried out several consultancy assignments either individually or as an associate.